Mad Max Wez Custom DBC Kuma
A custom figure built on the vinyl Dead Beat City Kuma Bear. I was invited to take part in Clutter Gallery's Uproar show, which asked guest artists to customise the base figure as a member of a new gang from the cult 1979 movie Warriors.
I decided to play on the Warriors title and refer to the 1981 film Mad Maax 2: The Road Warrior. Wez was a memorable villain, sporting a mohaawk, eyeliner and leather chaps. I rotated the Kuma Bear's head 90 degrees and sculpted a new face on what had been the side using Millput. The original eyes and ears were removed and repositioned accordingly. I formed the feathers from thermoplastic and made the wrist crossbow from scrap steel rod and wire.
For Wez's paint job I tried to work a little more colour into what was a largely monochrome costume and then blended it with a misting of wasteland-style sandy dust.